
Fruit Tree & Bramble Pruning Class

Pruning Fruit trees should be pruned every year.  When you plant a fruit tree, you should be as dedicated to giving the tree proper care […]

Beekeeping: Introduction to Queen Rearing

Introduction to Queen Rearing Are you curious about how queens are produced or thinking about raising queens yourself? This class is a perfect starting point […]

Beekeeping: Biology and Behavior Basics

Biology and Behavior Basics: The foundation of successful beekeeping is understanding the bees. This class provides a basic overview of biology that can be applied […]

Beekeeping: Feeding & Nutrition

Feeding & Nutrition Knowing how, when, what, and if to feed bees is not always a straight forward prospect. This class explores the nutritional needs […]

Beekeeping: Feeding & Nutrition

Feeding & Nutrition Knowing how, when, what, and if to feed bees is not always a straight forward prospect. This class explores the nutritional needs […]

Beekeeping Tools & Techniques

Beekeeping Tools & Techniques The techniques and protocols of ‘working’ a hive safely, efficiently, and effectively. A look at beekeeping terminology and tools and how […]


Beekeeping: Hive Emergencies

Hive Emergencies Even a beginning beekeeper knows that sometimes things can happen fast in a bee colony, and not all of those things are good. […]

Beekeeping: Swarm Management

Swarm Management Swarming is a natural part of a bee colonies life cycle, but it can be disruptive (especially in urban settings). This class will […]